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Spotlight Saturday at Laurel Brook Features: Renee Bennett

It’s time for Spotlight Saturday and we recently had the opportunity to sit with our very own Staffing Coordinator, Renee Bennett. We invite you to get to know Renee more by reading her interview below:

1: Before working at Laurel Brook, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
The most interesting job I had was working as a CNA.

2: How has Laurel Brook helped you in your career development?
It has given me more skills for the administrative side of skilled care.

3: What advice do you have for prospective Laurel Brook candidates?
The staff is friendly, we are growing as a facility. Everyone here is willing to help guide you in the right direction and support you. Don’t be afraid to reach out.

4: What are 3 words to describe Laurel Brook?
Laurel Brook and Coworkers are: friendly, kind, helpful.

5: What do you like most about Laurel Brook?
It seems like there is room to grow in your career within the company.

6: What has been your favorite memory at Laurel Brook?
Halloween when most people had dressed up in costumes. It was a nice fun day. Halloween is around when I started here, it was a good way to see a different side of our team member’s personalities.

7: What have you gained from working at Laurel Brook?
Patience and a new understanding of the administrative side.

8: What is your favorite part about working for Laurel Brook?
I’m a people person and really love meeting with our new employees to get them started in the right direction.

9: What is your role at Laurel Brook?
Scheduling for all the nursing staff, and payroll for all employees in the building.

10: How long have you been a Staffing Coordinator?
I have been a staffing coordinator for 4 years.

11: What is one thing your co-workers don’t know about you?
I run a cheerleading organization for ages 5-14 for Winslow Eagles Youth and Recreation Football Team.

12: What do you like to do for fun outside of work?
When it warms up, I like to take my kids out and spending quality time with them.

13: What is your Favorite Movie?
My favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast.

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