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Spotlight Saturday at Laurel Brook Features: Kathy Lakjer

It’s time for Spotlight Saturday and we recently had the opportunity to sit with our very own Nurse Navigator, Kathy Lakjer, RN. We invite you to get to know Kathy more by reading her interview below:


1: Before working at Laurel Brook, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
I would have to say being an Office Manager in a University Hospital. It was interesting because of the huge responsibilities that came with the role.

2: How do you balance your career at Laurel Brook and family?
My husband provides the balance for my family. It is great having his support.

3: How has Laurel Brook helped you in your career development?
It has given me exposure to a vast array of experiences and skills that I didn’t have previously.

4: If you could pick one theme for Laurel Brook to turn into a book about the company, what would it be?
It’s a journey and would like to see myself grow as the company grows.

5: What advice do you have for prospective Laurel Brook candidates?
Keep learning and don’t let mistakes hold you down.

6: What do you like most about Laurel Brook?
I really enjoy the people I work with here.

7: What drew you to Laurel Brook originally?
I was drawn to Laurel Brook since I saw opportunity to expand my knowledge base and skills.

8: What is the favorite part about working for Laurel Brook?
My favorite part about my role is getting to work with the patients and their families.

9: What is your proudest moment at Laurel Brook?
When a family express their appreciation for my help/involvement with their loved one’s care.

10: What do you like to do for fun outside of work?
I love spending time with my grand kids.

11: What is your Favorite Movie?
My favorite movies are Footloose and Pretty Woman.

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