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Spotlight Saturday at Laurel Brook Features: Kristina Velez

It’s time for Spotlight Saturday and we recently had the opportunity to sit with our very own Kristina Velez, Central Supply. We invite you to get to know Kristina more by reading her interview below:

1: Before working at Laurel Brook, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
The most interesting job I had prior to Laurel Brook was working for EMS, I was an EMT.

2: How did you first learn about Laurel Brook?
Peggy Sue told me about it. Her son and my son are best friends.

3: How has Laurel Brook helped you in your career development?
It has given me an opportunity to meet a variety of different people from different walks of life. You learn so much about residents and staff. Everyone is talented in their own way.

4: What advice do you have for prospective Laurel Brook candidates?
You can learn from a lot of different people in here— staff, residents, and family. Never judge a book by its cover. You have to be compassionate and care about people.

5: What are 3 words to describe Laurel Brook?
Our staff our: Compassionate, fun, and flexible.

6: What do you like most about Laurel Brook?
I really love all of the people here at Laurel Brook.

7: What drew you to Laurel Brook originally?
I wanted to try to get back into the medical field. I’m a single mom and had to put everything on hold for my children. Now that they are a little bit older it is easier for me to follow my passion.

8: What has been your favorite memory at Laurel Brook?
Our holiday party. It was a nice time. It’s nice that the company took the time out to celebrate everyone and that we were all invited. We all got to celebrate together outside of work. We all get along so well with one another and am proud to be a part of a great group of people.

9: What have you gained from working at Laurel Brook?
A resident once said to me that “Tomorrow is never promised. Live for today.” It made me realize that you can’t dwell on things that you can’t control.

10: What is your favorite part about working for Laurel Brook?
The residents. They are great. Making someone else smile makes you feel wonderful. Even just an acknowledgment can make someone’s day.

11. What is one thing your co-workers don’t know about you?
I used to play the drums.

12: What do you like to do for fun outside of work?
I’m a mom; I like to take my kids hiking or to the beach, walks, or we go to shows. I live for my kids. I am so proud of my two children, Josiah who is 10 and Aubree who is 6.

13: Favorite Movie?
My favorite movies are Phantom of the Opera and Beauty and the Beast.

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